Proper breathing promotes general health and wellness. Our workshop will teach breathing and oxygenation techniques to get the most out of your respiration and oxygenate your body properly.

Altered respiratory function is sometimes difficult to perceive, but it has significant effects on health and wellbeing. Breathing affects the cardiovascular, neurological, vascular, gastrointestinal, muscular and emotional systems.

La Ciencia de la Salud – Episodio 2 – Respira. TV2

“Podemos mejorar nuestra respiración siempre que ésta sea una respiración completa, empezando por la nariz y hasta el diafragma”

Do I really need a breathing and oxygenation workshop?

If you want to improve your quality of life, your career is in performing arts, need to talk a lot for your work, are recovering from surgery to the respiratory airways, have a congenital defect in the nasal or vocal tract or play many sports it is likely that your breathing is not adequate and that eventually you may have health problems.

If you suffer sinusitis, asthma, allergies, stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, muscle spasms, pain, arthritis, headaches, migraines, constipation, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, obesity), lack of concentration, fatigue, tiredness, disorders of smell and taste it is likely that your body is not being properly oxygenated.

At our breathing and oxygenation workshop you will learn to breathe properly and your body will obtain oxygen optimally. This leads to improved health and well-being.

How can I improve my breathing habits?

Being aware of bad respiratory habits and change those habits requires learning and practice.

Clínica Rinològica - Laboratori d'obstrucció nasal 10

At our Breathing and oxygenation workshop you will learn to be aware of nasal-abdominal breathing and create a respiratory airway that is as broad as possible, recognize optimal breathing at rest and during activity, properly monitor your voice (generally, especially in situations of speech and physical activity), discover and maintain the optimal position for a full inspiration, and good voice projection. Doing different types of exercises, you can work on your awareness of body posture, muscles, relaxation and dilation of the nostrils or laryngeal tension control, among others.

What do I achieve with better breathing?

Better breathing will allow you to: resolve or improve various health problems (not only those that are strictly respiratory), increase energy levels and athletic performance, improve sleep, memory and concentration levels, improve the quality of speech and voice and intensify sexual pleasure.

Group, couple or individual sessions

The Breathing and oxygenation workshop can be done in two ways. In both group or individual workshop modes, on the first day we carry out spirometry (testing air volume and flow rate in the lungs) to assess the initial state for the individual. At the end of the last session, we repeat the test to see objectively what progress has been achieved as a result of the course.

Workshop Director

Àngels Civit Fons. Vocal technique
Voice and piano teacher.

Group Workshop (face-to-face and online)

4 to 6 students
6 group sessions of 90 minutes
1 individual session of 30-60 minutes to customize the pattern of breathing to be followed, depending on the needs of each person.

Individual workshop (face-to-face and online)

7 60-minute individual sessions focused on finding the solution to your particular needs.

For any question, please contact us.
To register for the workshop, call 933 933 175, or write to