Problems and surgical solutions
Different types of nasal problems require different surgical techniques
Sometimes, surgery is the best solution. We are experts in the techniques necessary for correcting different problems.
La Ciencia de la Salud – Episodio 2 – Respira
Problems with the nasal septum
The nasal septum separates the two nostrils. Changes in the shape and growth of the septum may hinder breathing through the nose, create pain in the face and head, generating a feeling of dryness in the nose, altering the mucus and promoting nosebleeds.
A septoplasty is a surgical technique that allows us to correct a deformity in the nasal wall or rebuild it. It can be performed with other types of functional surgery and cosmetic nasal surgery (rhinoplasty).
The procedure takes between 15 and 45 minutes in the operating room.
It can be performed under general anaesthesia, local anaesthesia and sedation or local anaesthesia only, depending on each case.
All nasal operations require proper preoperative preparation and recovery time.
Problems of the nasal valve
The nasal valve plays a fundamental role in the transformation of air so that it arrives in the right condition to the lungs. If there are abnormalities in the bony structures, cartilage, or skin and mucosal linings of the valve, breathing will be compromised.
Valve surgery can restore the normal anatomy of the valve and increase the flow of air to restore good breathing.
The procedure takes about 15 minutes in the operating room.
It can be performed under general anaesthesia, local anaesthesia and sedation or local anaesthesia only, depending on the individual case.
All nasal operations require proper preoperative preparation and recovery time.
Turbinate Problems
The turbinates clean, warm and humidify the air you breathe. If the turbinate volume is not adequate, these functions may be altered and cause difficulty breathing, pain in the face and head, give a feeling of nasal dryness or persistent thick nasal mucus. A turbinate problem may cause mouth breathing, and cause other symptoms such as: dry mouth, snoring and sleep apnea, pharyngitis, thickening throat secretions, headaches and migraines, sinusitis
With turbinate surgery, pathological turbinate elements are corrected or extirpated. Depending on the magnitude of the problem, the intervention can be performed in an outpatient surgery or consultation room using radiofrequency or laser techniques.
The procedure takes about 15 minutes in the operating room.
It can be done under general anaesthesia, local anaesthesia and sedation or local anaesthesia only, depending on the individual case.
All nasal operations require proper preoperative preparation and recovery time.
Problems with sinus and related diseases
La cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal agrupa diferentes técnicas para reparar anomalías que alteran las funciones de la nariz.
La intervención dura entre 30 minutos y 2 horas en el quirófano, dependiendo de la severidad de cada caso.
Se puede hacer con anestesia general, anestesia local y sedación, o sólo anestesia local, según cada caso.
Toda operación rinológica requiere una preparación preoperatoria y un tiempo de recuperación.
Problems with adenoids
Cuando un problema de adenoides genera infecciones repetidas de la garganta o el oído, o provoca una obstrucción respiratoria significativa, puede ser recomendable operar.
La adenoidectomía es la técnica quirúrgica para extirpar los adenoides.
Se hace con anestesia general y, como toda operación rinológica, requiere una preparación preoperatoria y un tiempo de recuperación.
La intervención dura aproximadamente 15 minutos en el quirófano.
If you have any questions, please contact us. We will answer your queries with pleasure.
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