I feel more confident
S.A.U. 39 year old woman
Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty and Nasal Turbinates Surgery
The patient
I went to the Rhinology Clinic for a breathing problem. I could not breathe because I had a deviated septum. Since I needed that operation, I decided to also do the cosmetic part.
I went to the Rhinology Clinic for a breathing problem. I could not breathe because I had a deviated septum. Since I needed that operation, I decided to also do the cosmetic part.
The process, their care, treatment, etc. was very good, they made it all very easy. The only thing that was annoying was the subject of nasal packing, but once it was out, it was all fantastic.
SAU, 39 year old woman
The medical team
The challenge in this case was how to deal with the imbalance between the tip and the rest of the bulbous nose, as reducing the tip would run the risk of producing a pinched looking nose. We chose to be conservative with the top and back of the nose shape so that it would be proportional. In the same operation we solved the problem of obstruction. We are pleased to see that the operation has significantly improved the quality of life of this patient.