Everything is positive: psychologically, emotionally and physically
N.D.G. 32 year old woman
Septoplasty and nasal turbinates surgery
The patient
I had an operation in 2011. I had a crooked nose and nasal voice. I was short of breath, and I snored. I could not drink water because I was literally suffocating. I spent the day sleeping, and was very tired and irritable.
I went to the Rhinology Clinic because it was part of the Teknon hospital. When Dr. Colomé saw me, she said my case was a surgical issue. I was treated very well. Everyone there is very sweet .
I am very happy with the results. I’m more outgoing, more active and I quit smoking. The functional part has been resolved 100%. Everything is positive; psychologically, emotionally and physically. People find me more attractive and don´t not know why. I feel good about myself. I feel calmer, in a better mood and I have more patience.
I had no fear of the actual intervention. All the information I was given was very good. I had no lingering doubts and everything was resolved. The nurse is absolutely lovely, she calls you and cares for you throughout the process. Everyone looks out for you.
The worst was the nasal unpacking, it was 3 seconds and very fast. It is an unpleasant feeling. Aside from that, after the operation I was not in pain at any time.
Now I would like to improve the aesthetic part, improve and harmonize a little. If I feel better about myself with the functional part, imagine how I will feel with the cosmetic part. It will just be the finishing touch .
N.D.G., 32 year old woman
The medical team
This is a clear case of how improving nasal symptoms also improves the psychological and emotional aspects. It is all related to a general improvement in oxygenation of the body. We performed functional nasal surgery with a very satisfactory result.